Constructionline Platinum | 2022
We delighted to have been accredited with the highest membership level: Constructionline Platinum.
For the second year in a row, we are delighted to have been appointed as a Constructionline Platinum Member. Accredited by the Acclaim auditors, following our health and safety inspection on site in August.
From first being awarded the Constructionline Bronze membership in 2019, our team has worked particularly hard on adhering to the strict requirements necessary over the years. We are so proud of their commitment and couldn’t be happier that it has been recognised and awarded with the highest constructionline level.
This is an outstanding achievement that highlights the ongoing dedication to provide our clients with the highest standard of health & safety management and to present the company in an attentive and methodized manner.
Constructionline has been working within the construction industry for over 20 years. With tens of thousands of buyers relying on the Constructionline platform to identify top-quality and reliable suppliers, it is rewarding to know that we are in the top tier of construction companies.
As part of the incredibly thorough assessment process, Thorpes had to demonstrate that we meet the Common Assessment Standard – a questionnaire assessing the company’s credentials for environmental management, quality management, equal opportunities, modern slavery act adherence, and anti-bribery and corruption policies which was carried.
Uniquely from the three lower Constructionline statuses (Bronze, Silver & Gold), an on-site audit was also carried out at one of Thorpes’s construction sites, in order to assess our processes and systems in place.
“Thorpes Joinery have a very robust Health & Safety management system in place and the company is well resourced. The company are continually looking to improve their performance hence working towards ISO accreditations at present.”