Blue Monday

Beating the January Blues

As today marks the annual Blue Monday, we at Thorpes have been reflecting on the meaning of this day and exploring ways to overcome the January blues. We spoke with Mental Health First Aider Dan Sneath to learn how we can support our team, not just on this national day, but throughout the entire year.

For many, January brings the challenge of overcoming the post-Christmas slump and returning to daily routines, whether that’s working a 40-hour week, being a full-time parent, or somewhere in between. As Dan puts it, “For many, the Christmas bubble has burst, and now it’s back to reality.”

Mental health issues are a global concern, but the construction industry is particularly affected, with a higher rate of mental health challenges. We asked Dan why the sector is so impacted: “There are multiple factors that contribute to mental health struggles in construction. Tight deadlines and budget pressures often lead to anxiety and stress. Additionally, the physically demanding nature of our work can cause chronic pain and injuries, which in turn affect overall wellbeing.”

Common signs of someone struggling with their mental health include feeling lethargic, low energy, and a lack of motivation. That’s why it’s so important to look after ourselves and be mindful of our colleagues.

So, how can we take care of ourselves to beat the blues? Dan recommends several tips, many of which are simple and free:

  • Exercise

  • Eat well

  • Drink sensibly

  • Sleep

  • Talk to others

  • Read a book

  • Explore a new area

Additionally, there are numerous charities and support groups available to help anyone who may be struggling:


Helplines | Mind - Mind

Citizens Advice

Tackling Financial Insecurity Together | Turn2us


Taking small steps can make a big difference in supporting mental wellbeing, not just today, but throughout the year.


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